Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tummat ikkunanpokat valkoiseksi

Ennen ja jälkeen
 Edellisen postauksen jälkeen ollaan tehty melko suuri pinta- ja vähän enemmänkin kuin pinta -remonttia. Mm. pikkuvessa meni uusiksi aivan totaalisesti lattiasta kattoon ja sinne asennettiin lattialämmitys. Valmis se on ollut viime syksystä asti, mutta rupesin sitä vielä hiomaan yhä ihanammaksi maalamalla sen ikkunan kehykset ruskeasta valkoiseksi.

Ja kyllähän siinä hommaa riittikin, vaikka en edes maalannut kolmilasisen ikkunan kaikkia mahdollisia puupintoja, vaan pelkästään näkyvimmät.

Ensin listojen, kaihtimen, kaihtimen pintaosien ja muiden nippelien poisto ja ikkunan peseminen pölystä ja hämähäkinseiteistä. Seuraavaksi hionta. En tiedä oliko 180 karheus paras valinta tähän, mutta tavallista ankeammin sujui hiominen. Pölyjen siivoamisen jälkeen pintaan tuli yksi kerros valkoista Tikkurilan Otex-otepohjamaalia, mikä levittyi todella epätasaisesti tummalle pohjalle. Sen päälle kaksi kerrosta Tikkurilan Maalarin valkolakkaa ja jokaisen maalauskerran välissä n. vuorokausi kuivumisaikaa välissä. Kahden valkolakkakerroksen välissä yritin hieman hioa pintaa, mutta maali ei tuntunut kuivuvan vuorokaudessa tarpeeksi, jotta olisi kestänyt kevyttä hiontaa, koska sitä lähti kerralla melko paksusti ja "rullautuvasti". Sen jälkeen annoin ikkunan kuivua 3 päivää aukinaisena.

Tänään rapsutin lasista valkoiset tahrat pois ja kiinnitin kaihtimet ja muut osat takaisin paikalleen. Ja onhan koko minun ihana rakas nätti pikkuvessa nyt aivan uuden näköinen! Vielä pitäisi hommata valkoiset kaihtimen muoviosat ja vaihtaa ne, niin sitten on valmista. Tästä saan voimaa jaksaa maalata tulevan kesän loppuun mennessä kaikki talon muutkin ikkunanpokat. Hetki siinä saattaa vierähtää, kun apulaisena on reilun vuoden vanha vintiö, joka karjuu jaloissa ellei saa leikkiä porakoneella tai olla sylissä :D

Friday, September 12, 2014

New Happy Home

So, we just moved to Espoo, a suburb town next to Helsinki, because our duplex was starting to feel a tad crammed. In this new house the size is about right, but the color cheme not. The roof is a dated wood color paneling, the kitchen is cherry wood mixed with grey (WHY?!), the hardwood flooring is oak (that's actually OK, but it's so scratched that it has to be processed too), the hallway mirror closets have some beech imitation parts in them and all the window frames are very dark brown. The mixture of so many different wood colors hurts my eyes. And that mini WC, that's beyond disgusting and everything there has to go. That's why we won't have any difficulties deciding what to do with "freetime" if that word even excists in a baby family.

Here are some pictures of the house before we have done anything. And I'll be posting along the way when we get stuff done.

Monday, July 21, 2014

My Top 5 Personal Weight Loss Tips

1 Moving to a strange house on a hill with strange people

Make sure there's no public transport to that house so that you have to walk uphill for at least 30 min every day. A bicycle adds nice extra sweat to the equation. Of course the optimal hill is too steep for actually cycling, but you burn loads of extra calories while walking with the bicycle by your side.

By the time you get to the house, feel very hungry but remember to keep that very Finnish mentality of not wanting to bother others. That way you just take a cold shower and spend rest of the night in your own room without food. Maybe munch some cookies you find from your bag.

2 Having a baby

A very efficient way to lose about 18 kg in two weeks. And after that some more with the help of breast feeding and baby lifting. That way you might get to the same weight you were before getting pregnant.

Bonus: A very cute baby to love, laugh and live with.

And yes, if you ask my scale, this counts as weight loss.

3 Flight Attendant diet

Once I had to fit into a dress that was tailormade for me when I was 18. I had trouble breathing in it so I tried the "flight attendant diet" for a week. Breakfast: half a grapefruit (can't believe I survived). Lunch: some tuna and beans. Dinner: a boiled egg and and a tomato.OK, I'm just memorizing the hell I went through and might get all the facts wrong. BUT: I lost 4 kg and looked stunning in the dress AND didn't get them back in a long time, because that diet was actually a good reminder that I don't have to eat such huge proportions. Less was enough.

Downside: For the whole week I was one angry bitching piece of hellfire that couldn't stop thinking about food for 1 minute. Not worth it.

4 Eating disorder

A powerful way to eat whatever you want, but not gain weight. But if you just add some obsessive jogging and fasting, you end up also losing some.

Downside: It's very harmful for your emotional and physical health. Also makes you smell bad, look ill and act antisocially, it's expensive and unecological. Causes extra stress to your loved ones and makes you feel disgusting whenever you really should be feeling fabulous (like eating with family or friends, getting ready to a party or just chilling out without a care in the world). Not worth it.

Instead of losing weight, I suggest practising on loving your shapes and curves the way they are and focusing on inner beauty and smiling straight from your soul. If you show some of that, you look beautiful in any shape!

5 Shit's just getting real here!! Avoid sugar!

A.k.a. Stop eating like a fucking hippo. Read a book about the differences of high and low glycemic index foods and start choosing the low GI ones. You never have to be hungry. Don't even have to feel bad about those days when you ate all the chocolate and pizza in the world, because healthy low GI food is what you'll be eating all the other days. When you can make that "diet" your lifestyle with a some exercise, you'll most likely stay in some kind of slim or normal form.

This is not a weight loss tip unless you're overweight or very strict with the diet, but it's my favourite way of eating and staying in the same sized clothes. Skinny isn't that beautiful. A healthy body is.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Stars and Stripes nails

Inspired by the fact that I'm traveling to US tomorrow for the first time in my life, here's what I did in stead of packing :D

Pretty fun Stars and Stripes manicure to make and to look at, but I'm pretty sure I'll buy some pretty summer pink tomorrow and redo my nails immediately :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

DIY nail polish from yellow eyeshadow

This morning I realized that my throat pain got so awful I should stay home so finally I have time to try this fun manicure, inspired by nevertoomuchglitter :)

Sometimes I have a stupid habit of buying eyeshadows that I don't use but I love the feeling I get in the store that I'm becoming someone braver if I have the guts to wear, for example, bright yellow on my lids. But then I don't.

So, I decided to get rid of those unused or little used palettes but turning them into nail polishes, where brighter and more colorful is always better :) Here are the key ingredients to it: eyeshadow (Inglot, don't know the code), clear nailpolish (I use Lumene base and top coat polish) and a cupcake liner.

Then I scraped some eyeshadow powder to the liner. Inglot eyeshadows are very very pigmented and this looks very vibrant and pigmented on the lid.

As you can see, the yellow is very bright and almost neon-like in the pan. But when I poured the clear polish in and mixed it (with a toothpick), it turned into a much darker and more orange color:

Hmmm.... I was not happy with the color. But decided to start applying to my nails anyways. Here's how it looks after 1 layer:

Of course the opacity is linked to the powder-polish-ratio, but then on the other hand, too thich paste doesn't apply smoothy on the nails. So I kept layering; here's after the second layer:

Getting more orange. But not in a bad way, even though this is not what I wanted :)

After third layer:

Now it's already very opaque and even. Also very beautifully a half matte finish. But I felt like I need to apply a layer of quick finishing polish so this stays pretty longer so the final look is pretty shiny after all. A mattifying finishing polish is on my shopping list though.

Tada! What do you think? :) I think they look like hard orange candies that have already been licked a little :D

And by the way, the pictures are taken with my new phone: Nokia Lumia 920 which I love. The camera is way better that in my Canon something something I used before. The colors are very true to how they look with my own eyes and it's quick and works freaking well in dim and dark as well as in bright sunlight.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Heart mani for the Valentine's

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I Finland we celebrate Ystävänpäivä and the direct translation is Friend's Day and it's not a huge couples Day here as in other western countries. But here it's also hearts and pink everywhere this time of year.

When I was about 10-15 years, in my small home"town" Kempele we always had huge cardboard hearts hanging from our necks 14.2. and the whole day we'd hug everyone that we saw in the corridors and after the hug we'd write our name or signature to the other person's heart. It didn't matter if you knew the people or not, if you didn't get along with them or not, if they were older or younger students, teachers, janitors...

That was so fun. You had the possibility to hug the cute guys all day also :) And the one you especially liked, maybe "accidentally" twice or more :D

I wish that habit would be in every school in the world, it was always such a spectacular day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Exciting news!!!

I've had the best beginning of a year ever and couldn't be any happier! Look at my finger!

We got engaged with Tommi 2.1.2013 on an island called Bintan in Indonesia :) In a sunset. It was beautiful and whenever I feel bored or cold or anything, I just think about that moment on the beach and it brings a smile on my face instantly. Here's a picture of that place where it happened.

And today we got our rings from the jewelery shop after carving our names and dates to them and this needs some getting used to :) I normally never wear rings on my fingers so it's a new sensation for me. New and a very welcome sensation, I must say.

Our rings are Finnish design, white gold and fantastic. Mine is basically the most dainty one they suggested as an engagement ring. There were more dainty ones also, but I heard that they're not good if you're planning to wear the ring forever, because then a ring must be strong enough. And wearing this one forever is exactly my plan!

And I warn you: I might use this blog as my wedding plan book from now on, so I'll blog about dresses and shoes and decorations and veils and suits and hairdoscakesinvitationsactivitieshoneymoonsetc.

I have 1,5 years to plan so it's gonna be a long and fun ride, at least for me! But not for the wallet! I gotta be nice to daddy and my hubby-to-be :D